Business Migration

Objective of the NZ Government Policy

The objective of the Business Immigration Instructions is to contribute to economic growth through:

  1. increasing New Zealand’s level of human capital;
  2. encouraging enterprise and innovation: and
  3. fostering external links.


To fulfil the above objective of the policy the Business Migration has following categories in place:

  • Entrepreneur Category
  • Migrant Investment Category
  • Employees of Reallocating Businesses Category
  • Global impact Visa Categories

How We Can Help

  • Assist in optimizing minimum points required to meet the INZ Policy requirements
  • Identifying the acceptable business proposal that may be acceptable for consideration under the INZ Policy
  • Referring to various other professional on Accounting matters (on proposed Business plan), Taxation/ Employment and Commercial Law matters

Download, fill and submit via email the following forms for a preliminary assessment.

After reviewing the above information, we will be able to indicate to you on the Visa
category that may suit you best on your eligibility for a Business Visa to New Zealand.

Entre-preneur Category

“This category will enable the talented and entrepreneurial migrants to build up a profitable business in NZ which can fulfil the objectives of NZ Government Policy”

This category is subdivided into two parts where the initial category, Entrepreneur Work visa will enable the successful migrant with 120 points awarded for business experience, business turnover, capital investment, creation of new employment and age to set up a business in NZ.

An Entrepreneur Work Visa may be granted for a total period of up to 3 years. with an Entrepreneur Start-Up stage and Entrepreneur Balance stage. The Entrepreneur Start-Up stage is first 12 months of the Entrepreneur Work Visa. During the Entrepreneur Start-Up stage the holder of the Entrepreneur Work Visa is expected to establish and commence the operation of an agreed business in New Zealand.

The principal applicant will demonstrate that they have successfully established a business in New Zealand, which outlines the benefits stated in their business plan. They will have operated that business for at least two years or six months and meet the requirements can lodge a Residence Visa under the Entrepreneur Residence Visa Category.

The business is considered to be meeting the NZ Policy requirements where it is benefiting New Zealand significantly, complies with employment and immigration law and the same or greater amount of capital has been invested in the business as outlined in the business plan.

Migrant Investment Category

This category offers two types of visa options to keen investors worldwide to enable them to gain New Zealand Resident Visa under the Investor 1 Category and Investor 2 Category.

Investor 1 Category
To gain a Residence Visa under this category a principal applicant. must meet requirements for health and character; and invest NZ$IO million in New Zealand in an acceptable investment for 3 three year. Funds for investment required under INZ Policy needs to have a clear trail on how they were earned and acquired. The principal applicant can include their partner and dependent children aged 24 in their application.

If the application is approved then you are required to spend 44 days (12% of each of the final two years of the three year investment period) in NZ or 88 days over the three year investment period (from their first clay in New Zealand as a resident) if a minimum of NZ $2.5 million (25% of the NZ $10 million investment amount) is invested in growth investments.

Investor 2 Category
This category involves a points based system used to assess eligibility for Investor 2 Resident Visa applications. The applicant is the first instance has to submit an Expression of interest application to INZ for their eligibility If your invited by the NZ to lodge a Residence Visa, then you will have four months to submit your application with mentioned documents in you EOI Application.

This category is points based system used to assess eligibility for Investor 2 Resident Visa applications. The applicant is the first instance has to submit an Expression Of Interest (EOI) application to INZ supporting  eligibility. If you’re invited by the NZI to lodge a Residence Visa, then you will have four months to submit your application with mentioned documents in you EOI Application.

If your  application is approved then you are required to spend 146 days ( 40% of each of the final three years of the four year investment period ) in NZ or 438 days over the four year investment period (from their first day in New Zealand as a resident) if a minimum of NZ $750,000 (25% ot the NZ $3 million investment amount) is invested in ‘growth investments’

Employees of Reallocating Businesses Category

This category enables the granting of residence to Key employees of businesses relocating to New Zealand, The relocation of the business is must to be supported by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.
The reallocating business benefit New Zealand in following ways to enable the applicant to gain the Residence under this category:

  • Introducing new / enhancing existing, technology, management or technical skills; or
  • Introducing new / enhancing existing, products or services; or
  • Creating new or expanding existing export markets; or
  • Creating employment (other than for the principal applicant)

Global Impact Visa Categories

The NZ Government is running a pilot programme under this category where they will approve a maximum of 400 visas between 2017 and 2021 to those who will be truly innovative impresarios in New Zealand. After three years of successfully running, the business applicants can apply for Permanent Residence Visas. provided they have met all the Immigration Policy requirements.

Applicants must meet the English language, proof of funds, support from the Edmund Hillary Foundation and health and character to apply for this visa.