Download, fill and submit via email the following form for a preliminary assessment and for us to get a better idea of how we can assist you with skilled work migration in New Zealand.
Objective of the NZ Government Policy
The objective of the Skilled Migrant Category is to provide for the grant of resident visas to people who demonstrate that they:
- have skills to fill identified needs and opportunities in New Zealand; and
- are able to transfer those skills to New Zealand and connect with local needs and opportunities; and
- are able to demonstrate an ability to contribute to and successfully settle in New Zealand.
Point Based System
The New Zealand Government Policy for Skilled Migration under different occupations is a points-based system. The Skilled Migrant Category Visa does not give an automatic right to apply for a Residence Visa Application to New Zealand. Applicants are required to lodge an Expression of Interest before they are invited to submit a Residence Visa Application to New Zealand. This visa process can be very complex when evaluating all factors and criteria in meeting the Immigration Policy guidelines.
The overseas qualifications which are taken into consideration for points must be equivalent to New Zealand standard. This may be required to be assessed by New Zealand Qualifications Authority as comparable to New Zealand standards.The principal applicant is expected to hold skilled work experience from a country with a comparable labour market e.g. work experience from India or China is not acceptable unless the experience falls under the Long-Term Skill Shortage List, or experience from a Multi-national company which has its origin in a country acceptable to INZ in a comparable labour market.
Two Stage Assessment
The Immigration Process has two stages of assessment:
Applicants can lodge an Expression of Interest application if they have scored 100 points or more. All applicants are required to meet the minimum English Language Ability, Health and Character requirements An applicant is placed in the pool to be considered for an invitation to apply for a Resident Visa.
With the recent policy changes, effective from 12th October 2016, only applicants with 160 or more points are being selected from the pool and can get an invitation to apply for a Resident Class Visa, if INZ is satisfied with the information provided.
How we can help
We will ensure that you (or with your spouse) hold an acceptable qualification to claim points under the immigration instructions guideline, Check if your qualification is required to be assessed by New Zealand Qualification Authority, to ensure that it is equivalent to New Zealand standards. This process may take upto three months or more.
Check whether your skilled work experience is acceptable under the INZ policy guidelines and you are suitably qualified to be granted with points (not all skills are recognised by INZ policy to be awarded points), Check alternative options available to you to maximise the points under the skilled migration.